Fee Structure


In-Person Consultation

1st consult with personalized diet plan

(follow-ups R500.00)

This option is suitable for those that need thorough guidance, but cannot travel to Polokwane or Pretoria South Africa for an in-person consultation.

This option includes:

  • 1 x First consultation 
  • 14 day personalised meal plan
  • 2 x email question and answer sessions
  • Access to our support group.

The first consultation includes:

  • Bloodpresure measuring
  • Bloodsugar / gluco checking
  • Cholestrol reading
  • Medical history, current medication and supplementation
  • Your body composition, lifestyle analysis
  • Your daily habits, likes and dislikes


Online Consultation Package

This option is suitable for those that need thorough guidance, but cannot travel to Polokwane or Pretoria South Africa for an in-person consultation.

This option includes:

  • 1x First consultation (via Zoom Or whatsapp)
  • x Amount of follow up session
  • 14 day personalised meal plan
  • x Amount of email question and answer sessions
  • Access to our support group.

The first  consultation will assess your:

  • medical history, current medication and supplementation
  • body composition, lifestyle analysis
  • training plans/routine, your goals
  • daily habits, likes and dislikes
  • Based on the above assessment you will receive a personal meal plan to address your goals

Each of the follow-up consultations are used to:

    • Discuss your progress
    • discuss meal plan adjustments if necessary

We currently have 4 Packages for your Ease

Select One of Our 4 Packages

1 Month

Starter Package

Includes 2 Consultations


3 Months

Standard Package

Includes 6 Consultations


6 Months

Transformational Package

Includes 12 Consultations


12 Months

New-You Package

Includes 24 Consultations
